
  • Be Strong In The Grace Of Our Lord”:

    1. STRONG (2 Tim. 2:1-2)

    God who calls us into His marvelous Light wants us to be strong in the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ. That was the Word of Encouragement from the Lord to Joshua – (Josh 1:6; 7; 18; Eph 6:10). God is looking for Pastors, Leaders and Workers who are not weak or feeble but strong.  (Ps. 107:
    The text says, “Be strong in the grace of our Lord”:
    i. We should be strong in The Saving Grace of God – (Eph 2:8)
    ii. We should be strong in The Sanctifying Grace of God – (Tit 2:11-14)
    iii. We should be strong in The Serving Grace of God – (1Cor 15:10)
    iv. We should be strong in The Sustaining Grace of God – 2 Cor 12:9

    2. SINGLE-MINDED – 2 Tim 2:3-4

     We should be focused in our calling.
     We should not be double-minded – Jam 1:5
    Illustration – The Christian and the vain market.

    3. STRICT  (i. e. We should BE DISCIPLINED) -2 Tim 2:5-10)

    Brothers and sisters, Christianity is a disciplined, Christ-controlled life and we should be disciplined in every aspect 0f life with regards to.
    a) Time Consciousness
    b)  Food – Dan 1:8
    c)  Dress – Gen 39:6; 1 Sam 17:12
               d) Our Eyes – Josh 8:21; 2 Sam 11:2 f)
               e) Our legs – Ps 1:1-2   
               f)   Our Tongue – Prov 18:21; Jer 3:1-2
    i) The Unbridled Tongue – Jam 3:3-5
    ii) The Untrammeled Tongue – Jam 3:5-6
    iii) The untamed Tongue – Jam 3:7-10
    iv) The unredeemed tongue – Jam 11-12
             g) Our Temper – Eph 4:30-32
            h) Our Life-style – Acts 20:19; Gal 2:9; Jam 4:6

    4. SOUND IN FAITH 2 Tim 2:14-19

     We should be much acquainted with the Bible, which is our Constitution
                I  We should read The Word regularly- (Ps. 119:97
               Ii Study the Word diligently- (2 Tim. 2:15; )s. 1P:2)
              Iii Meditate on the Word thoroughly ( Josh. 1:8)
        Iv  Believe The Word tenaciously (Acts 27:25)
        v  Obey,   live and practice The Word uncompromisingly  (Jam. 2:2)

    5. SANCTIFIED – 2 Tim 2:20-23

    Holiness is one of the attributes of God and should be should be our Watchword – (Ps.1: 1-3; I Tim. 2: 8: Lev 11:14-45; Lev. 19:1; 2 Kgs 4:9; Isa 52:11: 2 Tim. 2: 19-21; 1 Pet. 1:15-160
    Let us consider the significance of Holiness

    a) Holiness is the only Virtue that distinguishes the unrepentant sinners and us.
            (2 Kgs 4:9; 2 Tim. 2:19)
    b) Holiness makes us illustrious sons and daughters of God. (Ex. 28:1; Tit. 2 14)                                                                                 
    c) Holiness is our honor- Holiness places great honor on us before
                              i) Satan (Mk. 1:24; Acts 19:15)
                             ii) Men, even Kings and Monarchs- (Dan. 2:46; 5:2) and
                             iii) God Himself (Rev. 1: 6; 2 Sam. 2:30)
    d) Holiness gives us boldness with and of God. (Pro. 28:1; Dan. 6 10)
    e) Holiness gives us peace in times of troubles and lead us to heaven.
                  (Acts 12: 6-8; Pro. 11:4; 23:4; Heb, 12:14)
    Illustration of a captured and condemned Christian          

    6. SERVANT – 2 Tim 24-27

    The highest title to be given to any Christian Worker and Leader  is to be called a servant of God – (Josh 1:2, 7)
    Peter, Paul, James and Jude, the half brothers of Jesus humbly addressed themselves as bond servants of Jesus Christ- ( 2 Pet. 1:1; Phil. 1:1; Tit. 1:1; 2  Jam. 1:1; Jude 1)

    7. SPIRIT-FILLED –Eph 5:18; Acts 2:3-4

     To be Spirit-filled is one of the New Testament commands.
     To be Spirit-filled is not an option but a command.
    It was so an essential qualification in the early days that it was one of the criteria for selecting the first set of Deacons – Acts 6:3.
    Illustration – Billy Graham.

    1. DEFINITION: To be full of the Holy Spirit
    At all times
    In all places
    Under all circumstances

    a) Spirit filled vessels constantly and consistently live normal Spirit-filled life
    b) They constantly walk in the Spirit – Gal 5:6
    c) They exhibit the fruit of the Spirit under any situation – Acts 7:55-60 (Amplified)
                This is where the conversion of Paul commenced


    1. They bring down the Power of God in that they see like God, speak like God and act like God – Lk 1:41-46; Josh 10:12; 1 Kgs 17:1; 31; Acts 3:6.
    2. They moved God to act on their behalf – 2 Chr 16:9;
                a) Jehoshaphat – 2 Chr 20:20;  b) Hezekiah-ezekiahH  b 2 Kgs 19:35 and
                c)Paul & Silas – Acts 16:25-31
    3. They are recognized, respected and honored by
    Satan – Acts 19:15
    Men (Kings, Queens) Dan 2:46; 5:16.
    God – Josh 10:12-14; 1 Kgs 17:1

    111. DEMANDS

          1) Be bon again, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Spirit ( Acts 2:4, 10:44)
          2) Be totally and entirely committed to Jesus (Acts 9:6)
          3)   Be submissive and sensitive to the Holy Spirit – (Acts 8:20-29; Eph. 4:30)
          4) Give yourself to the Service of God. (1 Cor. 15:10; Lk. 19:13)
         5) Give yourself to quality prayer  and fasting and ask for daily anointing (Eccl 9:8)

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