


    TEXT: GEN.15:1
    TEXT:GEN.12:1-4, GEN.13:1-6, GEN.15:1-6, ROM.4:1-6, 2Cor.5:21, MATT.20:1-15

    Brethren, while many thinks Abraham’s uncommon reward was Isaac and some according to their faith believes it is Ishmael, and others thinks it’s a combination of sons, their seeds and wealth, the truth of the matter is that Abraham’s uncommon reward was not in any way related to the above mentioned.It was unique in the sense that the rewarder (GOD)actually became the reward (an uncommon occurrence) – Gen.15:1, 6, Rom.4:1-6, 2Cor.5:21. Every other blessing received by Abraham; silver, gold, cattle, sheep, sons, servants etc, were just an addendum to the exceeding great rewardwhich is God Himself– Matt.6:33(Use the employee/employer analogy).

    The word reward can be defined as the payment for service or the product of an effort. This can either be positive or negative – Rev.22:12, Eccl.12:13-14, Gal.6:7-8. By God’s divine calendar of things according to Gen.8:22, there is always a time of sowing and a time for reaping and this can never be broken as long as the earth remains.

    Brethren, it was Abraham’s obedience to this principle that translated into an exceedingly great reward – Gen.12:1-4(NOW), Gen.15:1(AFTER). My question here according to Gal.6:9 goes thus; as youths whom the bible describes in 1Jn.2:14 as the epitome of strength, what act of well doing do you have in your account that the Lord can reward in due season? What exactly do you do with your strength?

    But I have good news for you, in the sense that it is still not too late to join others and take up your task so that you can receive also a bountiful reward as they that started early. All you need is obedience by submitting to His precepts – Matt.20:1-15.


    1.      In Obedience, you must give all to God i.e your obedience must be total – 1Sam.15:1-3; 7-11; 17-23, 2Tim.4:10(Demas).

    In Gen.12 the bible recorded in verse 5 that Abraham did not leave anything behind that would have made him return to Haran. Even when there was famine in the new land and God’s promises were yet to be made manifest he chose to obey God and stick to the initial instruction.

    The question here is; what is that thing you left in your Haran that you so desire to go back and get?Is it friendship or relationship?Is it companionship or acquaintanceship? Is it kinship or fellowship? Brethren, am sorry to inform you that these ships can only take you to Tarshish (Away from God – Jonah 1:1-3).

    2.      In Obedience you must maintain constant fellowship with God – Gen.12:6-7, Gen.12:8, Gen.13:18.

    In every city Abram got to as he journeyed from Haran the bible recorded that he built an altar unto the Lord. When he got toMoreh, he built an altar, when he left Moreh for east of Bethel he built another and when he got to Mamre after leaving Egypt he built also another. This goes to signify constant fellowship with God.
    The question here is; are you among those that are Christians only when you are close to your home but monsterswhile away?Remember that God cannot be mocked, so choose you this day, whom you will serve.

    3.      In Obedience always wait for God’s instruction; do not make hasty decisions for all that glitters is not gold – Gen.13:7-15, 1Sam.30:7-8, 1Sam.5:17-25.

    In making hasty decisions many have found themselves in unpleasant situation contrary to their desires. Example of such was Lot who was carried away by the beauty of the plains of Jordan as some of us do today in our relationships not knowing the end of all was destruction if not for the interventions of his uncle Abraham.

    As Christians let us unsure we seek God’s face for clearance over all things to avoid us running into irreversible problems.

    4.      In Obedience be patient; don’t try and help God, you may end up destroying so many things – Gen.15:1-4, Gen.16:1-12, Gen.17:15-21.

    In trying to help God many has ended up creating more problems either for themselves or for others. Some have even created global problems as did our father Abraham and our mother Sarah that has no remedy.


    It is expedient that we all put our hands back on the plough so that we can work the work of the Lord while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work. As the saying goes; the best time to have planted a tree was 20years ago and the other best time to plant a tree is now. Let us all arise as the clock is ticking for all events that would precede His coming are already at hand. Be warned.

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