
  • Foursquare Magodo Children Day Service Message 29TH MAY 2016

               Theme: “I AM CHRIST AMBASSADOR”
                            Text: 2 KINGS 5:3

                                      Who is an ambassador?

    An ambassador is someone who represents his country in a distant land. Nigeria has ambassadors or diplomats in virtually every country on earth. These ambassadors live and conduct their business in embassies.

    Ambassadors play the essential role of representing our nation’s interests. They are the president’s voice to people in foreign lands. They are authorized to act on the President’s behalf. They have power to negotiate treaties, solicit favor, extend sympathies, offer congratulations, give thanks and right works.

    Being an ambassador of the greatest country in the world is a terrific honor, but as Christians we have a greater honor. We are ambassadors of Jesus Christ. We are representatives of the greatest king and kingdom known to mankind. This is precisely how Apostle Paul sees himself in Ephesians 6:19-20.

    We are of little use to God if we see ourselves as anything less than citizens of heaven and ambassadors of Christ in this world.

    Let us read our text from verse 1 to 3.

    We see how the Lord always has His messengers of the Word. When there is a person whose heart has been prepared. Here, God’s messenger (ambassador) began with a little captive slave girl.

    By God’s matchless grace, God worked through the unrighteousness deeds of Naaman’s own army to bring this little slave girl into his own house to be the instrument of God’s love i.e. God’s ambassador.

                       Why do you suppose Naaman listened to her?

    May I suggest that Naaman listened to her because perhaps her life spoke volumes! Her life had been such a testimony that gave credibility to her words as a good ambassador of Christ. She is obedient even when her master is not around, humble not proud or arrogant. She does not fight in the neighborhood.

    From our text, we could see that this unnamed slave represented her God very well as a good ambassador of God in Israel where she came from.

                 What kind of messenger (ambassador) does God use?

    He uses those who are available, those who know and love the Lord. In the Bible passage we read, we saw a small girl, humble, obedient, insignificant to men, living under dire conditions, but with a mental attitude. Rom. 8:28

    A slave is a person who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for them.

    She was a girl using the problem of life as opportunities or as open doors to witness for God to people to show that she is a good ambassador of God.

    God uses only those whose hearts are prepared. We must make ourselves available and ready to surrender all to God like Isaiah “Here I am, send me”

    How do you use opportunities to witness God to people around you?

    Use every opportunity to preach the word of God faithfully.

    As children of God, let us be a good ambassador of Christ by our character, conduct, behavior, how we speak, does not keep bad company, etc. (1 Cor. 15:33) wherever we are, whether our parents are there or not, in schools, marketplace, offices, etc.


                                      (EPHESIANS 6:19-20)

    1.   Prayer: The heart of an ambassador of Christ is a heart fully yielded to God in prayer. As you can guess, it is critical that every ambassador maintain direct line of communication with the nation and administration he represents. How is this direct communication any less important or vital for the ambassador of Christ? For the ambassador of Christ, prayer is one of the most direct lines of communication to God’s throne. We can pick up that phone any hour of the day or night and become fully engaged with God about His will.                                

    2.   The Word of God: Beyond prayer, we also have the written word of God. We have God’s foreign policy that guides us in how we are to conduct ourselves as aliens and strangers in this world. Joshua 1:8; 2 Timothy 2:15.

    3.   Preach the Gospel: The ambassador of Christ has the responsibility of speaking clearly and accurately on behalf of Jesus Christ. This is a responsibility that has to be taken seriously. 2 Cor. 5:20; Eph. 6:20


    1.   An ambassador does not appoint himself. A Christian is appointed by the Lord.

    2.   An ambassador does not support himself; God provides all of his needs. Philippians 4:19

    3.   An ambassador does not belong to the country to which he is sent. A Christian is not a citizen of this world but of heaven.

    4.   Believers, as ambassadors, represent the Lord Jesus Christ in schools, offices, marketplace, in our character, behavior, conduct, speech, etc

    5.   The word of God is the policy statement for believers. Believers should have the mind of Christ. 1 Cor. 2:16

    6.   An ambassador does not take an insult as personal. It is his country which is being insulted. God takes care of his reputation,, his name, his words. We are not here to defend the word but to preach it. The Holy Spirit takes care of the results.

    7.   To be an ambassador is the highest possible calling. Christians are called to the highest calling in Christ.

    8.   Perspective is service, prospect is reward. We serve Christ and our reward is in heaven.


    The rewards for being Christ’s Ambassador are peaceful mind and eternal glory with GOD our Father in heaven.


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