
  • Inspirational:Pay Serious Attention to THIS! Life Lessons.

    Scenario 1: Two men were involved in a road rage in the ever busy Nyana road in Abuja. One brushed the other's car without intention and without knowing. The fellow whose car was brushed pursued the other fellow, blocked him, came out of his car with his wheel spanner and commenced to break the head lamp of the other fellow. The other man refused to come out of his car, allowed the man in utter rage to satisfy himself and drove off. It cost N100,000.00 for him to fix his head lamp...but he is still alive.

    Scenario 2:  A staff of the National Assembly, in an attempt to avoid knocking down an Okada rider who was driving against the traffic, rammed his car into a stationary vehicle. He came out of his car and engaged the cyclist in a hot arguement.  Unknown to him the cyclist was armed with a knife, with which he stabbed the motorist to death and rode away. The motorist is dead and his family is mourning.

    Lesson: There is so much anger, mental trauma and lawlessness in the country right now. As much as possible avoid arguments with strangers and when it happens, don't allow it to degenerate into scuffle or violence. As quickly as possible, leave the scene. The Nigerian legal system is still too weak to bring ALL criminals to justice. Moreover, no level of justice can bring you back to life...your loved ones still need you. 😊


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