
  • Pastor Adeboye of RCCG "Tell Francis I miss him"

    Pastor Adeboye of RCCG shared a story on the conversation he had with God in his car. Before he had a driver he used to engage God in conversation and worship with tears on his face while driving alone. Sometimes he would be deeply engrossed in it to the point that he had to park his car and enjoy this heaven on earth moment. But such rapport suddenly became a thing of the past probably because of busyness or the fact that he's always in the car  with his driver. One day, God called his attention to it; and told him as a friend to friend:  You always worship me in this car before you hired your driver... so you can't worship me anymore because you are now a big man sitting at the owner's corner... Laughs! #God is interesting#
    God was missing that aspect of daddy G.0's life that thrilled him. He apologised to God...asked his driver to excuse him for a moment...then he broke down in tears as he worship God.

    Few days ago, I read the story of a man of God online; I can't really explain/describe how his fellowship was with God before this time but only God knows. God sent another minister a message to him and said "Tell Francis I miss him"
    Hmmmm! This is deep. #busyness of life#

    Francis was busy doing ministry and here God sent a message "Tell Francis I miss him"

    Do you believe a husband and wife can be sitting together in the living room and yet be missing each other? Laughs. Yes. What if they are not talking to each other? What if they are both glued to their phones and ignore each other?

    There was a time in my life I said to God : Lord I am missing you. I actually felt it was an odd statement until I understood better. I am positive God must have dropped it in my spirit to mean "Esther I miss you"
    If we are not careful busyness can make us lose touch with heaven. Whatever that takes the time we should spend with God from us, be it secular work or ministry becomes Empty activities if God is missing us.

    If you are born again and consistent in your fellowship with God, you regularly observe your morning and evening devotion,(afternoon devotion is the way we live our lives) Bible Study and meditation, walking in God's presence by keeping in touch with him through your daily activities, putting God in your thoughts/actions, conversing with Him per time and obeying His promptings...you are blessed above your fellows!

    There's something that THRILLS GOD in each of US! Even earthly parents do not love their children 100% equally. Every child has its own uniqueness so are we to God.

    A song in my native language says "God do not allow the devil destroy what THRILLS you in my life"

    We must make sure we don't neglect important stuffs; pray when you should, praise when you should, do Bible Study, do evangelism, go to church ( church activities must not replace the time you ought to BE ALONE WITH GOD... if not God will be MISSING YOU WHILE YOU ARE IN THE CHURCH)

    At the beginning of my ministry, I was made an Admin on the Late Pastor Bimbo Odukoya's page;  I was so overwhelmed with writing and counseling hundreds of people daily on that page to the point that my personal fellowship with God almost shrink. It reduced my worship time, prayer and personal Bible study. I was exhausted! One day I just decided to ignore many counseling cases in order to have time for myself. As a matter of fact, (I pity some singles) Hmmm if only they have PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God, they would have no need of a counselor. #only a fool takes souls to God's kingdom and take a walk out of God's court#

    When you spend the time you ought to be ALONE WITH GOD on writing godly articles on FACEBOOK; GOD IS MISSING YOU!

    When you divert the time for your BIBLE STUDY for PHONE CHATTING/MOVIES; GOD IS MISSING YOU!

    When you skip church programs for irrelevances; GOD IS MISSING YOU!

    You don't even know/have fellowship with God; GOD IS MISSING YOU!

    You were once burning for Christ but now waxing cold; GOD IS MISSING YOU!

    Have you backslided; GOD IS MISSING YOU!

    You are yet to give your life to Jesus; GOD IS MISSING YOU VERY MUCH!

    All these and more breaks our connection with God.

    What next?
    You know how it all started. Don't you? Pick up your relationship with God where you dropped it so that God's presence will become REAL in your life.?


    Think on these things

    Credit: Pastor Adeboye

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