


        TEXT:         PHILIPPIANS 3:13-14; ROMANS 15:20


    “I have but one passion - it is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ.”     Count Zinzendorf

    All other passions build upon or flow from your passion for Jesus. A passion for souls grows out of a passion for Christ. A passion for missions builds upon a passion for Christ. The most crucial danger to a Christian, whatever his role, is to lack a passion of Christ. The most direct route to personal renewal and new effectiveness is a new all-consuming passion for Jesus. Lord, give us this passion, whatever the cost!                                                            Wesley L. Duewel

    To develop passion to Jesus:

    1.    Know Him and what He has done for you. Romans 1. Study the Bible. Joshua 1:8

    2.   Pray constantly and consistently like Daniel and others who had a passion for Jesus Ephesians 6:18; Matthew 26:41; 1 Thess. 5:17

    3.   Walk closely with Him NOW! Spend time with Him. In His steps, guided by the holy Spirit 2 Timothy 3:12; Matthew 6:21. Obeying His instructions.

    4.   Eliminate competition: we can’t serve two masters. Matthew 6:24; James 4:4; Luke 9:23; John 16:33

    5.   Sharing Jesus with others increases our passion for Him. Romans 1:16. We are to make disciples of nations. Matthew 28:18-20.


    The mandate to spread the gospel is more relevant today than ever. The coming of the Lord is imminent. The whole world has gone chaotic. The family system has almost broken down, divorce and separation have become common place, and even Christians are no longer immuned to this bug.

    Today, our educational system can no longer guarantee character development, schools have become breeding grounds for a lot of social malaise such as prostitution, drug addiction and pornography. Worst of it, all the governments all over the world seem to be losing it, corruption has eaten deep into the fabrics of many of our elected representatives. They can hardly deliver on their electoral promises. The big question is what is the way out? The answer is not far-fetched, the world has gone astray and there is need to come back to the Saviour.

    These are the times that God is seriously looking for men of goodwill that will be passionate about the assignment to shine light to a world in darkness and bring them to a relationship with the only begotten Son of God who alone has the ability to transform their hearts and prepare them for eternity. It takes men with passion for the assignment to be able to scale the hurdles.

    What then is passion?

    It is the inner most drive that overcomes every other attraction.

    The Outline for this message would be as follows:

    I.     Consecration towards Excellent Service

    II.   Consistent Hunger for Soul Winning

    III.  Commitment to Discipleship and Spiritual Development


    Passion for the assignment would entail doing the work absolutely unto the Lord. It will require the following:

    A.   Sharing the mind of Jesus towards the work; His burden and drive (John 9:4, Phil 2:5).

    B.   Complete submission to the will of God; His method and direction.( John 4:34).

    C.   Doing the work with sense of purpose and responsibility.

    D.   Refusing to focus on earthly paymasters but rather working for the Lord the great rewarder who will not fail at the appointed time. (Phil. 3:14).


    Passion for the assignment would require an aggressive drive to win souls for Jesus. It will also require the following:

    A.   Preaching Christ becomes a necessity. (1Cor. 9:16)

    B.   To all men, consistent prayer altar must be raised for souls to be won. (1Cor 16:9, Luke 10:18-19).

    C.   Readiness to sacrifice for the course of the gospel i.e. time, resources and even life where possible. (2Tim. 4:6, Phil. 3:7)

    D.   Eagerness to break the barriers that stand against the gospel at all times i.e. religious, cultural and racial. (Acts 8:5; 1:8).

    E.    Soul winning must be intentional and deliberate. (Matt. 28:19-20) i.e.



    There is no better way to express passion for the assignment more than ensuring effective discipleship is done. The souls won must be followed and weaned to spiritual maturity. The following steps will be required:

    A.   Good and Effective strategy must be devised to follow up new converts.

    i.e. recognition and keeping of records is very essential.

    B.   Converts must be encouraged to pass through our robust Sunday school system stage by stage, i.e. Newcomers to Water Baptism etc.

    C.   Visitation and effective utilization of communication gadgets and social media would assist to establish the souls and integrate them to the church.

    D.   Converts must be encouraged to belong to one of the available House Fellowship Centers in the church.

    E.    There is need to invest in the converts by ensuring we make available to them good literatures that will ensure their spiritual development i.e. bibles, BIC, Now That You Are A Christian, and other books that will assist their spiritual development.


    The vision in our Organization is the ‘Decade of Multiplication’. What it means is that the gospel should be spread far and wide, all over Nigeria and beyond. The times we are is very dire, God is looking for men with the passion for the assignment that will be ready to rescue the world from the darkness that has besieged it. The Holy Spirit is already available to see to the success of the work. The men must however be consecrated for excellent service (Ready to offer the best) they must have consistent hunger for soul winning and must be committed to follow up and discipleship.
    May the Lord find you available for this important and rewardable assignment.

    Pastor Anetor 


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