

                    TEXT: THE BOOK OF JONAH
                   TOPIC: AVOIDING REBELLION
    TEXT:  Gen. 9 & 10; Luke 3:23-36; John 1-3; Nahum 1-3; Zephaniah 2:13;
    Historical Background. 
    1. Nineveh, the capital of Assyria was established by  Asshur the son of  Shem, the 2nd born of Noah after the flood (Gen. 10:11-12). It was the capital of Assyria, situated on the river Tigris.
    2.  It is so important to God that just like The Book of Jonah,   Nahum made Nineveh; the main subject of his prophesy. Nah 1:1,11;2:8;3:7. Zephaniah also makes predictions concerning the place (Zeph. 2:13). See 2 Kings 19:36; Isaiah 37:37; Matthew 12:41; Luke 11:30-32. 
    3. God equally loves every of His creation.  If there is anything God detests in man, it is sin.  He loves us all, irrespective of our background, creed, language, tribe, extraction, etc. Gal 2:6. The dividing line between any people and God is sin, otherwise, we are all equal before Him. He is ever seeking how to unite man back to Himself.
    Prophet Jonah stubbornly, never wanted any forgiveness for the people of Nineveh, perhaps
    1. Because they were not his own people-immediate descendants (Hebrews)
    2. Because they were hard tormentors of the Israelites. Isaiah 36 & 37; 2 Kings 18:13, 17-37; 2 Chronicles 32:9-19
    3. Because he wanted to be referred to as a Prophet whose predictions did not change.  He did not realize that even God had to repudiate His own predictions severally in the Scripture when circumstances that necessitated them changed. Exo. 29:9; 1Sam. 2:30-31; 2 Chronicles 32:24-26; 2 Kings 20:1-11; Isaiah 38:1-6; 2 Kings 14:25
    4. Because, he did not agree with God's attribute of "mercy, compassion, forgiveness etc" Psalm 145:8-9; 86:15;103:8
    5.  He lost site of the covenant of God. Genesis  9:1-17; 
    6. He rather preferred to rebel against God. John 1:2-3
    7. He is listed among the lesser prophets of the Bible.
    A rebel is someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action. Refusal to accept authority, code or convention. 
    Organized opposition to authority of the Lord.
    Before we jump to pass judgement on Prophet Jonah, perhaps, it might be very wise of us to examine our attitude towards God and His concerns. Any disparity is a clear mark of rebellion 
    1. It is an open access to demonic bondage. Consequences of rebellion are grievous. 1Sam. 15:23
    The practice of divination is an indication of the presence of familiar spirit in the lives of such individuals. Acts 16:16 
    2. Rebellion severs a man from God. Psalm 68:6
    3. Rebels do not have a right heart towards God Psalm 78:8
    4. A cruel messenger goes after a rebel Proverbs 17:11; John 1:4-17; Luke 15:15-16 (Prodigal son)
    5.  Judgement upon rebellious. Ezekiel 3:26
    6. According to Jesus Christ, unforgiving persons will be turn over to tormentors. Matt 18:34-35
    7. When a man forsake his duty, he forsakes his mercy 
    Isaiah 30:1-17 address Rebellion.
    Sons of Korah, Dathan and Abiram. Numbers 16:1-33
    The Prodigal son. Luke 15:11-24
    1. Holy Spirit, please heal my deepest wounds. Whosoever I have also offended, Lord grant unto him or her eternal grace to forgive and let go in Jesus name.
    2. Holy Spirit, deliver me from every act of rebellion/disobedience and obstinacy in Jesus name.
    3. I throw every Jonah (disobedience, unforgiveness, stubbornness, impatience, etc) in my life over board in Jesus name
    4. I remain disembarked from every fellowSHIP (rebellion, unprofitability, wrong direction, etc, that  hitherto, have put me in any form of bondage in Jesus name.
    5. O Lord deliver me from every spiritual and physical storms orchestrated to end my journey abruptly in Jesus name.
    RH 469: The Lord is our Rock, in Him we hide
    We must realize that we are all object of forgiveness which we are all enjoying through grace. Eph 2:8-9. Hence show similar bowels of mercies towards every mankind irrespective of their states. Remember, we are saved to serve.

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