God has chosen each one of us to be the driving
force to establish a substantial beachhead for His kingdom here in Magodo Church.
For such a divine encounter, He has put in place exceptional leadership -
pastoral, youth, music, children, and lay ministries.
As a Christian youth, we are to align and give
ourselves the joy of unconditional love from a bunch of folks in the church. We
are to give whole-heartedly to the incarcerated and folks throughout the world
who are struggling. I like being part of a group of God's people who budget
nine percent to others and expect to give an additional six percent more to
meet critical needs as they arise across the year. We as youth of the church
are fabulous force God has put together to strengthen His kingdom. Now He has
set before us an urgent opportunity to not only keep up with what He is doing
but also to equip His future effort-building. What a wonderful opportunity that
He has set before an exciting loving and giving people. He has brought us together.
Being good givers won't cut it. As our pastors have said, “God wants and needs
us to become sacrificial givers." We need others to join us and those who
give should always examine where we can increase our giving to another level.
Why we must give our resources and ourselves extravagantly.
A couple of things come to mind as I reflect on pastoral commitment to the support of
building a new sanctuary ( Our fathers House).Psalm 119:105 - "Thy Word is
a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." We (The Magodo youth) can help more and more
families in around see the light. Do you care to know how many youth who
stumbling in the dark within this sanctuary.
Matthew 5:13 - From the 5th chapter of Matthew known
as the Sermon on the Mount, Christ comments, "You are the Salt of the
Earth." Let us create a larger salt
factory in Magodo Church and provide more seasoning for the community around
us. We may even want to get excited and build
a team to spices up a dish of our Christendom.
Our world and its system are corrupt and
unreasonable. In Lagos people, for one reason or another, chosen
to dwell in sewers. The homeless, the mentally ill, the broken, the outcasts,
the addicts, the mindless, and the misfits - they huddle beneath the streets of
one of the world's most famous cities. Most reports and NGOs interchange with
the people who let them interview them in exchange for free lunch. "The
thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I have come that they may have
life, and have it to the full"(John 10:10) .
Gods hope is that others will see His glory in us -
they way we work, and the way we play.But the questions "how do we then
live? has not been a popular one lately,because many think that Gods challenge
to live holy live contradicts the message of grace.That if salvation is free,we
dont have to do anything in response to Gods gift.Look at the passages of
scripture that describe the kind of life God want us to live.
The phrase to focus on is the last line."Let
your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your
Father in heaven. “it is not enough to abstain from aspect of life that destroy
a person; one needs also to focus on doing deeds that make people praise God.
Can you take a few minute to think how
it may look in real life?
DELIBERATE with God Prayerfully seek God's leadership. Ask God to shape your decisions. Walk through the doors God opens for you!
DISCOVER God's Purpose for Your Church and God's Will for you What is God calling this church to do and to be? How is God working through your church to affect people's lives? How would God work through you to make a difference in ministry?
DISCUSS What You are Learning with Others Include your family in the discovery and decision-making process. Talk with and learn from the experience and example of others.
DEFINE a Sense of Sacrifice in Your Life What decisions and priorities could you make in your life to further invest yourself in your church? How can you give in ways that make a difference to you?
DETERMINE Your Potential for Giving Think outside the income-stream box. Capital giving may include new strategies for giving. Inventory your blessings and your potential for increased giving.
DECIDE on a Personal Giving Plan There are multiple methods for giving in a capital stewardship program. Capital giving might include any combination of weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual, one-time, and/or asset transfer gifts. Put together your own personal giving plan for the next three years to help you follow through with your commitment.
They have suffered a great deal. But their joy was more than full. Even though they were very poor, they gave very freely. I give witness that they gave as much as they could. In fact, they gave even more than they could. Completely on their own. They begged us for the chance to share in serving God's people in that way. - II Corinthians 8:2-4 (NIRV)
Connecting to Scripture
The following study will help you to discern both your heart and God's heart for giving generously.
In terms of affecting people and ministries, what will this project accomplish for God, for others, for you? (Matthew 28:19, Luke 17:20-21, I Kings 5:5)
What does your heart prompt you to do? Describe it. (Exodus 25:1-2, 35:4-29, I Corinthians 13:3, II Corinthians 9:7)
What is your Prayer Plan to discern God's will? (Luke 11:9-10, John 17, Matthew 6:5-13)
What does "sacrifice" mean to you? Define it. (II Samuel 24:24, Romans 12:1-2, Luke 21:1-4)
What can you do to give sacrificially? Start a list. (I Chronicles 29:1-10, Acts 2:44-47, Acts 4:32-37)
First, pray: "Lord God, how would you want me
to respond to the call you have placed on The Village Church to build a new
Second, discuss: Talk about this with your spouse;
talk about it with your family; use this as a teaching tool for your children
in regards to making a sacrifice to accomplish God's will.
Third, step out in faith: Make this one of the most
important decisions you have ever made financially. No, we are not asking you to sell all you have
but simply make God a priority and be part of the dream becoming reality. Your decision will impact many lives in the
name and spirit of Jesus Christ. Every
gift is equal in the eyes of God if it is sacrificial.
Contact the church office if you have not already
made a pledge to Faithful Generosity. If
you have already made a pledge and desire to change it, contact either Doug
Farley, the church treasurer, or Nadine Glomboski, our office administrator, to
let them know your wishes. After the
first newsletter, a
I'll end with a quote- "Lord, help me to do
great things as though they were little, since I do them with Your power; and
little things as though they were great since I do them in your name.
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