

    TEXT:              ACTS 19:11-17

    TEXT:              MARK 6:34
    TEXT:              2 TIM 2:2;  2 TIM 2:15; PS 119:105,11; JOSH 1:8; PS 1:1-3; MATT 22:29;
    2 TIM 3:16-17

    A wrong approach to a divine assignment will produce a wrong and costly result. The sons of Sceva are living example of this.
    Every teacher of the word must be a good student of the word for his or her teaching to make any positive impact in the lives of the students. The Owner (Proprietor) of the school demands that every  teacher must be a good and obedient student who also must  keep tab (in PRAYER and the WORD) with the base ALL the time for him or her to have a seal of approval for the assignment (2Ti 2:15; 2Ti 3:16-17).  Our consideration will be on the 'word'. 
    The word of God provides illumination, insights and dissolves doubts etc. Ps 119:105 (Msg)
    Our Master, during His ministry here on earth, provided us unrivaled examples of effective and impactful teachings. Lets attempt to do a post mortem of these for our learning so that we can better our assignments by and by.

    What shall we do with this Jesus? Mk 15:22; Matt 27:22; Act 4:12; What shall we do with the word? Ps 119:105; 138:2; Prov. 30:5
    1. Good knowledge of the word- Heb 4:12 (KJV)
    For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    1. He was obedient unto the word and God while here
    2. He prayed daily and he did not commit the error of facing men before facing God
    3. He was baptized both by immersion and the Holy Spirit- Jn 1:32; Lu 3:2
    4. He was an ardent student of the word Matt 22:29; Lu 2:49
    5. He went after His listeners most of the times- Act 10:38
    6. He cared and provided for his students Mk 6:41
    7. Had passion for His students Mk 6:34

    1. EFFECTS OF JESUS'S TEACHING ON THE CROWD: Mk 1:22; Matt 7:28-29; 13:54

    a)    Amazement:  for the depth of His knowledge of the word and His exceptional insight into hidden truth.  He was just an authority -Matt 7:28-29; 13:54-56
    b)   Trust: He is definitely a doer of what He is  teaching Matt 7::24-27, 29;  Acts 1:1
    c)    Miraculous Power: Matt 13:54
    d)    Wisdom pillared on the word and exceptional ability to decipher all coded traps set by men that bothered on divorce, tax,  marriage at the resurrection, the greatest of all the laws, etc- Matt 22: 15-32; Heb 4:12-13

    In the light of the above, what must a teacher do?

    1.  Be good and unrepentant student of the bible. It should be approached through :
      Daily bible reading 2Ti 3:16-17
    By your words I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.  Ps 119:105.  The word of God provides illumination, insight and answers to every question, doubts, etc. The word of God dissolves doubts.  Unless we make deliberate efforts to equip ourselves with it, we will be operating in error

    (Matt 22:29). Jesus posited that the Sadducees who asked Him question that bothered on resurrection lacked the knowledge of the word of God.

    2 Tim 3:16-17. Daily bible reading:  deliberate personal systematic self approach to learning and updating with the word God.
    Underscore the need for us to aspire to read the bible daily again and again. Deut 28:14-68; Job 30.
    Ø  The skill of the word and power lie in knowing.
    Ø  The approach can be by reading book by book, topics, characters, etc.  For example, from book of Genesis, eternal life, salvation, water baptism, Holy Ghost baptism, The generally assumed rule ( not cast in stone) is to read as many chapters as possible. The aim is mainly to read through the bible again and again. The objective of this is to refresh or learn newly the word of God.
    2Ti 2:15; Jos 1:8; Ps 1:1-3
    Personal bible study can be likened to "chewing the cord". -  (cord: food regurgitated from the first stomach into the mouth by a ruminant for chewing). This is an idiom for; think, meditate, ponder or reflect over something. It is an idiom for detailed critical inspection of the word of God. One is expected, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to take very few verses of the bible and carry out an in depth analysis to know the mind of God for the moment for him. Some of the tools that aid fruitful study includes cross references, other bible translations of the verses under consideration, commentaries, word study, other related books,  (secondary sourcing of information/data) etc.
    This enhances deep mental absorption of the word of God.

    2. Living solid prayer life.

    3. Have a good knowledge of your students

    4. Do what you teach. Jam 1:25; 3:2; 1:23; Acts 1:1; Matt 7:26

    5. Teach forthright and with confidence

    It is incumbent on you to do as above. Do everything to insulate yourselves from error.
    You are also have been enlisted to pass the baton to others 2 Ti 2:2

    - it equips a child a God
    - it frees a man from error
    - It serves as an opportunity to hear from God
    - it provides spiritual direction (path finder) for a man
    - it helps you to retain the word of God in your memory
    - lack of planning.-  set daily target of what you must achieve
    - focus more on God rather than situation you may be going through.
    - putting confidence in yourself or on others in place of God
    - giving priorities to personal pleasure rather treasures in the word of God

    Importance of being a proven student of the word

    - you will not fall into error

    - its knowledge and observance leads to prosperity and durable success -Josh 1:8; Ps 1:1-3;
    - you will be in position to pass the right touch to others - Ex. -2 Tim 2:2


    Renew your knowledge of the word daily, do and teach the knowledge

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