
  • A Study of the Person and Power of the Holy Spirit


    THEME: A Study of the Person and Power of the Holy Spirit
    TOPIC:  Holy Spirit in daily Christian Walk and Character transformation.

    The Holy Spirit is the 3rd in the Holy Trinity (I John 5:8). He is a personality, He speaks, can hear, can guide, counsel , can be grieved, can be quenched.
    He was highly revered by the early Apostles thus, He was able to do great and mighty t hings some which were not recorded among our Saviour’s miracles. 
    The promise of the Holy Spirit: - John 14:15-18; John15:26

    His Assignments
    • Vs, 26 – He will teach
    • He will remind
    • He will testify of Jesus
    • John 16:8-9- He will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgement of sin.
    • Vs. 12 – More things that the disciples were not mature to bear. 
    John 16: 5-15
    v  He will be a guide unto all truth
    v  He will say only what He hears
    v  He will foretell
    v  He will glorify Jesus
    v  All our inheritances in Christ Jesus He will declare (Eph 2:9)
    The Holy Spirit makes us to know that without Christ, we can do nothing. 
    Our strength will fail (we have been saved by grace through faith) Eph 2:8-10, John 15:4 and 5).

                                   THE PURPOSE OF THE WORD OF GOD
    2 Tim. 3:16 – “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”

    The word of God was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

    [A] What the word can do--------------------------------------------------------------------------


    [B] Why are we not amenable to change or correction from the word either the one we read, or heard from the preaching points or wherever. –

    2Tim. 3:16 – The word gives instruction in righteousness.  So that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

    • Part of the sign of the end time is living a life devoid of understanding. ITim. 4:1-8
    • Why do we have itchy ears
    • Are we really born of the Spirit?
    • Are we abiding in the vine?  If yes?
    What are your evidences?
    The New man: Col. 3:12-17.

                                                                  Fill this table truthfully 

                          Old me                                    New  me

                            can’t forgiveness                         I now forgive easily
                                                                                Or still don’t forgive

                                              John 6:63 – The word is Spirit and life.
    Heb. 4:11-13 - The word is living not dead, powerful, Sharper than any two edge sword, it is the sword of the spirit.
    We can’t survive the Christian race without having the sword of the Spirit (Word), which the Holy Spirit works with.

    Read Romans 7:14-25
    v  How can I walk in the Spirit and overcome the flesh
    v  How can l overcome my flesh/self.  My determination is failing me  (Luke 16:14-17, John 8:31-32, 34-36, Rom. 12:2, Rom. 13:12-14. Col. 3:5.

    Remember – You cannot serve two masters Lk. 16:13.

                    WHY DO WE HAVE A DISJOINTED CHURCH? EPH. 4:11-16

    The different Ministries: ………………………………….

    Are you fulfilling your role (s) in the body of Christ?

    The whole body is supposed to be knitted perfectly with each joint providing strength; do you give strength or you weaken the body of Christ.
    Ø  Do you bring Health or illness
    Ø  Do you give life or death
    Ø  Are you even available at all?
    1. How does the Gentile walk?..................................................................................
    Q How am l supposed to walk? …………………………………….Eph. 5: 1-16(Be   imitators of God)

    Pruning could be ……………………….?

    Every child of God need to address those little foxes that can or are already destroying his/her vineyard.
    Without holiness no man will see the Lord.  The standard of God seems so high, yet He changeth not, He wont lower it but He gave us His son, then the Holy Spirit, let us surrender to the grace He (Holy Spirit) gives.  (Psalm 24:3-4, Prov. 28:13.)


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