
  • On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 THE LAWS OF MONEY


                   THEME:     IS GOD REAL? PROVE IT.
                    TOPIC:      THE LAWS OF MONEY

    The theme for the month has been variously treated and we are convinced that our circumstances and environment does not change the fact that God is God. The same yesterday, today and forever not changed by our doubt and not changed by our belief.

    God is the power that has been before the foundation of the world. He created all things and without him was not anything made. Whether they are visible or invisible, throne or dominion, principalities and powers, he created them for his pleasure. He made pharaoh.

    The reality of God has to come to each person. My experience may not be yours and how he shows himself to you is not how he appears to me.
    My first day in Foursquare Gospel church, 1st Avenue, Festac Town, I was assigned to a home fellowship centre. At the centre, I was asked to make a request that will convince me that the God in Foursquare is the only God that made heavens and the earth.

    I said ‘I just left youth service and got a job within 4 days with a salary of N500 per month but in less than 2 weeks I have gotten so dissatisfied with the job and started writing applications again. I peep into the future and I see a life of change of jobs or transfers from location to another is not the best for my dream of a family. I wanted the God of Foursquare to provide me with a job of N1,000 per month and I will not write application again. I will marry, buy my cars, build my house, raise my children on that job’.

    The request was sealed on the home fellowship altar. The job came, N910.00 per month. I worked for 4 days and told myself that the way these Foursquare people described their God, he cannot give N910.00 to someone who asked for N1,000.00. I went to my employer and told him I was leaving. ‘The only thing that could keep me on this salary is if you give me a house and pay for it with your money.’
    Any employer could have kicked a young graduate out of his office at this request but not when the God who holds the heart of the king is ahead of you. My employer offered me a house, a car and a driver.
    I was on the same job to marry, buy cars, build houses including where I live in Magodo today.

    Was there fraud in the office? My employer celebrated me when I was leaving and gave me a brand new Toyota Camry for faithful service.
    IS GOD REAL? You can supply your answers.
    We will review the laws of money.

    The topic of money is very controversial in Foursquare. Many believe the coming of Jesus is too imminent for us to be discussing how to make money. Others think it is carnal. No opinion will take you to hell or heaven except you form the opinion that Jesus did not come in human form, died on the cross and was raised again for the salvation of all men.

    Money is not so important to Christians but it is very important because the opinion of a poor man is not reckoned even in his household.

    Anger of the poor is so easily manifested and not easily pacified.

                                                               Lucky Egede

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