

            TOPIC:   WHO SHOULD I MARRY? 

    -You still have a choice, single and married waiting/mistake?
    3 things that can change your life.
    a) Born again experience
    b) Purpose discovery
    c) Who you marry? 

    Gen 2:18 the Lord God said…….. Help meet word change by the family.
    It is not government, war, education, church.
    A good is a requirement to be good pastor.

    Mal. 2,-: Godly seed.
    ·        You can only choose your spouse, not parent, brothers and sisters.
    ·        Born again is not being nice, sin is his nature. Eph. 2:3, nature we are children of wrath.
    ·        Character, Prov. 31:30 Favour and beauty is vain….. ( it is not fair and tall) = too short looks are not enough .A faithful man who can find?

    A virtuous woman who can find? Even not all that attends churches are Christians. (Garage and car)    
    =>Liar today will lie tomorrow, self –control?
    =>Impatience will come back again
    =>Forgiveness, love as a nature
    =>Love your wife, enemy and neighbour
    =>Authority hater
    Compatibility: Amos 3:3 it is not similar  ‘get along’.
    ·        Be complementary, biro and cover
    ·        Do we share similar values?
    ·        Discover your purpose for life?
    ·        Not everybody should marry a pastor/businessman
    ·        (Mike Jackson and Tyson examples).
    ·         Marry your friend. Prov. 17:17, prov. 18:24
    ·         Married people talk
    ·         It is not Government work
    ·         Out of your friends choose a wife.
    ·         Pressure leads to pretence. Be real.
    ·         Join his interests: football, singing, prayer.
    ·         Your wife should be the best friend.
    ·         Do you have the capacity/maturity?
    ·         Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother…………………..
    ·         In-law interference
    ·         Experience is less than bible truth.
    ·         A goodge is possible.
    ·         2 matured peoples => perfect marriage.
    ·         It takes 2 to fight
    ·         Get a job and provide for the family.
    ·         A woman is the helper, to get to her potential  1Tim 5:8,16
    ·         All must work except based on agreement
    Be careful of undue influence
    ·         Money, Begging, Sex                                                  
    ·        Wrong finger with wedding ring it is not preparation.
    ·         7yrs for botany. You don’t prepare in manage you prepare for  marriage. As “Lay you your bed so you lay on it” No accident success in marriage.
    ·        Single period is for preparation. Don’t rush, it is a necessary phase, it is better to be single than to be married and rush out to be single. Prepare now, best time to get ready.
    ·        Wedding preparation is not Marriage preparation- wedding is few hours. Initiation into marriage, cooking, dressing, talking, comportment, financial management, love.
    ·        Delay in getting life partner might actually mean you need more preparation, when preparation meets opportunity the result is success.


    §  Acquire (Matt 19:3) Knowledge-Reading.
    Read books on marriage. It is unknown journey.
    -Marriage is not a bad wager, parent pressure.
    -Genesis 2:8 purpose of marriage is not civil war, it is all about needs. There genders differences. Talking versus listening.
    - A woman has verbal power. 1 Pet. 3:7- Deal according to knowledge …………………Prayers not being hindered.
    - A man is logical not emotional, (crying) always thinking. News is brief. Straight line versus greed thinking
    §  Develop quality relationship with God. Job 22:21, it is not pressure, others marriage cannot stop your own. Wait for your time. Broken engagement is better than divorce. You are either wonderful or delicate or both.
    §  Discover God’s purpose for your life?  - Why are you here/destination?
    §  Cultivate quality character- Beauty is deceitful …………….. Proverb.   Deal with anger.
    Christian- God likeness, it is like a smoke.  -Self-control.
    §  Take care of your outward appearance; brush your teeth and tongue. Colour-combination, smile.Walk, talk, sit, as a lady. Iron your dress as a brother
    Dignity and honour. Propose clearly to sister.
    §  Learn to be domesticated- no more bulker. The way into the man heart is via stomach. Food presentation and is not sacrifice. 

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