

    THEME:              CHOOSE TO SERVE THE LORD. JOSHUA 24:15
    TOPIC:                MAKING RIGHT CHOICES. JOSHUA 24:15, JOSHUA 1:8, LUKE 16:10-12
    A study of the life of Joshua shows a man who made right choices all the time. Those who know him well will easily identify with his leadership and be willing to go with his choices.
    ·            First mention was to charge him with the responsibility to choose some men to go out and fight against the Amalekites.Exo. 17:9
    ·            Second mention was obedience to the command of Moses. Exo. 17:10
    ·            His courageous defeat of the Amalekites. Exo. 17:13-14
    ·            He went to the Mountain of God with his master Moses. Exo. 24:13
    ·            He was the one who protested when those who were not prophets prophesied and Moses said are you Jealous for my sake?Num. 11:26-29.
    ·            He was among the 12 spies that spied the land of Canaan. Num. 13:16
    ·            When the people who joined him to explore the land brought bad report, he was upset and he gave a contrary report.Num. 13:25-31, 14:6
    All of these happened before the mantle of leadership rested on him. Who will be surprised that he was chosen to lead the people after Moses.
    Joshua chose the part of service and he was promoted to lead Israel.
    We are faced with the need to make choices everyday. Some choices as were enumerated in the sermon last Sunday. Who do I marry? Do I serve or wait to be served? Where will I make my home? What career part to follow and more.
    From what we read in the book ‘No Excuses’ by Brian Tracy. We all know right from wrong, good from bad.
    We just have not summoned the courage to face the good that we know and to do it. God will hold us responsible for this. James 4:17.
    o   Man is fitted with ability to distinguish good from evil from time. Lot was able to know that the fertile land was better than barren land and also to love himself too much to care what happens to his uncle if he alone took all the green area. Gen. 13:9-10.
    o   Pharaoh was asked to choose a wise and intelligent man to put over the land and Pharaoh (an unbeliever) was able to know that the man with the Spirit of God was the best. Gen. 41:33-40, when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. Prov. 29:2
    o   We have also ability to know that life is better than death. Deut. 30:19, Eccl. 9:4. We know health is better than sickness. Wealth is better than poverty. Liberty is better than bondage. Love is better than hate.
    o   Rahab the harlot knew she could negotiate the safety of herself and family members when Jericho was to be destroyed.Joshua 2:8-14
    §  The bad choices do not come with devil’s horn. Prov. 14:12, Prov. 16:25.
    §  The wrong way is convenient. Matt. 7:13, Luke 13:24.
    §  The good choices are not consistent with customs and tradition. Matt. 20:24-28
    §  We are too self-centred to see the big picture. Matt. 20:20-21
    We face the need to decide everyday and we follow a pattern. We determine what we want in life, we count the cost and decide.
    §   Good options are often too expensive. (I want to be a graduate: cost in time – years. and money: millions of naira) I want to be rich. It will involve continuous sacrifice. I want to be healthy. It comes at great price.
    §   Poor Vision. Prov. 29:18, Prov. 4:23-27. Our heart, our feelings of love and desire dictates to a great extent how we live because we always find time to do what we enjoy. We are to guard our hearts above all else making sure we concentrate on those desires that will keep us on the right path. Put boundaries on your desires no gong after everything you see. Look straight ahead. Keep your eyes fixed on your goal.
    §   Lack of courage. It has been said that courage is not the absence of fear but ability to carry on in the presence of your fears.
    §   Poor Knowledge and information. Hosea 4:6, Prov. 29:18, Prov. 4:3-5, 1 Kings 3:5,9-10
    ·               Chose the new birth for a reordering of your life and priorities.
    ·               Chose to be baptised with the Holy Spirit and be in a position to hear when He speaks.
    ·               Read books to gain more knowledge and improve your vision
    ·               Be less self centred. Seek the good of others and prefer others above self.
    Pastor Anetor covered this very well in his message. I will highlight them and cover the one he did not deem necessary to emphasis.
    a.          Commendation from God. Matt. 25:21
    b.         Blessed presence of God. Acts 27:23
    c.          Crown of glory 1 Pet. 5:4
    d.         Material benefits.
    We will dwell on the material incentives. Matt. 18:28-29, John 10:10, Job 36:11.
    As often as Jesus mentioned Service, there was material reward attached to it.
    The watchful Servant. Matt. 24:45-47, the Ten Virgins. 5 went into the Feast. Matt. 25:10. The Parable of the Talents. Matt. 25:21.
    It is material incentive that is the greatest motivation of men. We are motivated to go to our offices early even when the offices are far from our homes. We go there everyday and it is quite convenient because of material incentive.
    I have not seen one person who does not want to be rich. I have always mentioned that the road to it is Service. The more you serve, the richer you become. The hallmark for greatness in the market place is Service and that is what it is in the Kingdom of God.
    More benefits were listed last Wednesday for Service to the Lord (honour, preservation of life, reward, health, enjoy His promises, protection).  What is Service to the Lord and the benefits of serving the Lord?
    §   It was emphasised in the 1st bible study of the month that it was not Pastors that convinced Scientists of the existence of God. It took fellow Scientists, using their talents in the market place to convince the new world. God is best served through Service to humanity. Matt. 25:31-46.
    §   Jesus was not a temple priest.
    §   He started from the sea side where the gentiles were. Matt. 4: 12-17
    §   He called fishermen in their market places to Service. Matt.4:18-21
    §   He healed every kind of diseases and sickness.
    Let us serve humanity and have eternity in view. 

    God won’t use you to judge me and he won’t use me to measure your faithfulness. Faithfulness is fulfilling in my life what is expected of me. Faithful Service in the eyes of God is not what I have done compared to what you have done. God will measure what I have done in comparison to what I could have done given the resources or talents at my disposal. The man with 5 talents got the same reward as the one that had 2 because both made the most of what they had.

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